Our Resilience Equitable Pricing
We are a collective of trauma therapists dedicated to creating a therapy practice that integrates individual healing with community healing. We recognize that one is not truly possible without the other.
White supremacy and capitalism creates a deep sense of scarcity - that there needs to be a hoarding of resources to create power over others. In healing from trauma, we uplift the impact of these systems and collectively move towards building community through shared, collective resources.
Since we survive in this system of scarcity, equity can feel incredibly uncomfortable. We hold that there is a difference between safety and comfort - and when working with trauma that can be difficult to differentiate. We believe that financial safety allows us to meet our basic and collective needs. Within this system, those with privilege and access may find themselves deeply uncomfortable with providing "more" financial support than others.
Our Collective is continuously learning how to create an equitable pricing model that supports the sacred energetic exchange of healing. Currently, our model is based on intersections of identity, access, and resources. Below is how we differentiate payment for the Our Resilience group. Please reach out to Alex if you have any questions or suggestions.
Finding Yourself Within This Model
Market Rate | $75 per session
About this rate:
-$75 a session (only 12 sessions of the 13 are charged)
- Total is $900; payment plans are available
- Adequately compensates Alex for the facilitation of the group.
- For those that choose not to participate in the equitable pricing model
-For those that do not require sliding scale rates.
Reduced Rate | $50-$70 per session
About this rate:
- Total is between $600 - $840; payment plans available
- rate is charged for 12 of the 13 sessions
This rate is for individuals that:
- Would need to alter budget to be able to fit this expense.
-Is able to meet basic needs comfortably.
-Holds identities that can face barriers to earning potential.
-Employed but have limited excess funds each month without much of a financial safety net.
Reduced Rate | $25-$45
About this rate:
- Total is between $300 - $540; payment plans available
- rate is charged for 12 of the 13 sessions
This rate is for individuals that:
- Are unemployed or underemployed without a financial safety net.
- Holds identities that are marginalized by society that creates barriers to earning potential.
Additional Payment Options
To focus on creating more accessibility to this group, we offer these additional options. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alex Swales at alexswalestherapy@gmail.com
Payment Plans
Payment plans are available at the frequency that's comfortable for the individual.
Payment plans can be chosen for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or whatever frequency works best for you.
Pay What You Can
This rate is for individuals that:
-Would experience financial hardship by meeting $300 over the 13 sessions.
Above Market Rate | $80+ per session
This rate is for individuals that:
-Are interested in paying a higher rate to ensure folks with fewer resources can access therapy.
-Have access to financial savings and a financial safety net.
-Holds identities that have encourage access rather than face barriers to earning potential.